Friday, June 14, 2019


I'm waiting for you. Whenever you are ready, I'll be here. I always was here, and I always will be.

I tried to tell you but you didn't believe me. I knew you wouldn't. To be honest, had I been you, I wouldn't have believed either. Part of me didn't even believe me, and I had the clarity. But being human, there was always some doubt. What if I was wrong? What if I was crazy? What if the clarity was just some monstrous delusion?

I had those thoughts, but I couldn't share them with you. Your faith was barely hanging on by a thread anyway. So when I doubted the clarity, I would sit under a Cyprus tree. I would gaze out until I could hear the whispers of the stars. They would hold me, remind me, reassure me, until the doubts passed and the clarity returned.

The clarity has been with me as long as I can remember, but until recently, it made no sense. It was a vision of love versus evil. Which would you bet on? We were surrounded by evil, and we were afraid of it. Terrified. The wrong word, the wrong thought could mean a beating, imprisonment, death, or worse. Much worse. The idea that the force of evil could be overcome by the gentleness of love seemed absurd. All you had to do was open your eyes. Where did love ever win over evil?

But the clarity told me this was wrong. I couldn't shake it. The stars wouldn't let me.

There was only one way to test the clarity. Only one way to prove it to you. And perhaps, only one way to prove it to myself. Through trial. The gentleness of love meeting head on the forces of evil. Anything else was just talk. I had to put my money where my mouth was. I had to face the monster.

But I was so frightened. I had seen what evil was capable of. We all had. It wasn't something you  ever forget.

I walked into the evil, and the evil did its worst. It was bad. Very bad. I thought at times I would give in.

But I didn't. I survived. Not my body. Evil has the power to kill. But that isn't really much power. We are all going to die, all evil can do is expedite it .

This was never about my body. It was about my love. Love can't be killed. I am now proof of that. Evil did its worst, and it couldn't destroy love. It couldn't even weaken it. Love rose from evil's ashes stronger and more radiant and more pure than ever.

You don't need to take my word for it. You can see all of this for yourself. Open your heart. Feel my love flow through you.

See me in the smile of a baby. In the gentle touch of a mother. In one person reaching out to help another. I am in the trees and the breeze. I am in the stars and the moon. Come and find me in the evening mist. Come and find me in the morning rain. I am here. Waiting for you.

Spiritual questions:

  • When do you feel the presence of love?
  • What one thing can you do today to nurture that presence?
  • What do you need to change in your life to make more room for love?

This is one of the Parables for the Spiritual but not Religious Series.

June 13, 2019 - This was written with the Roundhouse Writing Group in Santa Cruz, Guatemala,  remotely from Guanajuato, Mexico. The writing prompt for the session was: Come and find me in the morning rain.

The photograph of Globular star cluster NGC 362 is made available through NASA.

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